What you will learn.

  • Extra tip – Barbara shows you how to simplify the measurement of square format, and a useful and clever way to tear your paper.
  • Barbara shows you how to choose an exciting contrast “complementary colour” to show off the sunflowers.
  • Have all the colours ready, prepare the washes in the palette. In this technique one uses paint that is less dilute.
  • Saturate the paper at the back and the front.
  • Start forming the sunflowers with direct painting, NO drawing with a pencil this painting.
  • We let the water do the work, we want to have spontaneous flow, not a heavily laboured painting. This is a great lesson of how to loosen up and be much more free form than the previous lessons.
  • We become aware of the importance of contrasting lightest light, or brightest bright,  next to darkest dark in the appropriate places.
  • We reinforce the principle of painting from light to dark in watercolour, remember to also paint warm colours first and then go towards cool colours.  This is because cool blues can make shadow colours.
  • We used strong colour because the paper, being very wet, will dilute the colour, so compensate by using strong colour. Build up strong colour.
  • The design and shapes of the flowers form a triangle in this design.
  • “Thinking linking” – We remember to link the darks
  • Keep the misting bottle ready in case the paper dries too quickly.
  • This style is “alla prima”
    • I really hope you Have fun!